Late yesterday afternoon I had a run of irregular heart rhythm due to AF – the first since my hospital discharge. I felt it in my chest. It was nowhere as severe or long as previous runs. And it responded in 10-15 minutes to a Sotalol tablet [1]. I wondered if a walk around the Melbourne Central shopping centre [2] a couple of hours earlier, had been too much. Especially as yesterday was a very emotional day for me. Anyway how wonderful to sleep in my own bed. With Sweetheart Vivienne beside me. And none of those mysterious nocturnal hospital noises. I slept through until 6 a.m. Then sporadically. The rest of today was a quiet day. I did my rehabilitation exercises. And I did my required daily 30 minutes of walking by gently treading the 35-metre corridor outside our Melbourne apartment – in two 15-minute stints, whilst simultaneously shortening my list of unlistened-to podcasts. Late morning darling Meg, laden with fresh produce, arrived to spend a couple of days with Sweetheart Vivienne and me. What joy for her dad. After dinner we watched a DVD movie called Bandidas, and then an episode from the third series of In Treatment. I can’t imagine a more enjoyable rehabilitation programme than this one.
3 weeks ago
I am pleased to see that you are progressing nicely. Don't be tempted to lift anything heavier than 10 pounds! It's easy to do, because you can forget yourself and pick up something that you fail to calculate; ten pounds isn't much.
It is interesting that you have a chance at life that your dad missed. Heart surgery has progressed so far; it is almost routine.
Take it easy Farmdoc, I am so happy you are surrounded by your favourite people. How great to see your cyber friend Geoffrey commented after 6pm on the 21st somewhere in the world, he must be like me another RAPTURE REJECT; I have lost count of how many times I have lived thru the supposed end of the world.
Listen to Geoffrey,it is so easy to forget and lift or do too much.
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