Sunday, August 9, 2009

farmdoc's blog post number 476

My mind’s playing tricks on me. I would’ve bet you anything there’s a line in the 1994 film Muriel’s Wedding that says ‘You’re warped, Muriel’. But it seems not – only ‘You’re terrible, Muriel’. So I’m mistaken. But whether Muriel, played so well by Toni Collette (pictured) is warped or terrible, she’s different. Me too. For some reason(s) I don’t know and probably never will, I see a lot of things in the world and therefore in my life, in an unusual way. I have several senses – including irony, indignation and suspicion – that are heightened, and maybe overdeveloped thought that’s a normative judgement. Because of this, I’m always comforted when I come across others who are also different from the mob. Whilst I’m not a geek – well I don’t think I am – I grapple with technology every day. So I chuckled and nodded throughout my reading of this (written) list of ‘The Unwritten Laws of Technology’. They’re hilarious – intentionally, I think. But like all good comedy, there’s more than a grain of salt in the recipe. Among the two pages of Laws, I don’t know which one’s my favourite. Maybe ‘A nasty draft email will always find its way to the (unintended) recipient’. Been there, done that. And the one I wish would happen, but for me never has: ‘If it's broken and you call tech support, it will fix itself while you're on hold’. If only…

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