Friday, November 13, 2009

farmdoc's blog post number 572

Garry Egger (pictured) is Adjunct Professor of Health and Applied Sciences at the Southern Cross University, and Director of the NSW Centre for Health Promotion and Research. He’s qualified to write on the topic of Weight management – because he founded GutBusters, and his 25 books include Trim for Life: 201 Tips for Effective Weight Control, Lifestyle Medicine and The Fat Loss Handbook: A Guide for Professionals. And he’s the lead author of this article in the November 2009 issue of Australian Family Physician – where I found the 12-question quiz. Here are Egger’s answers, which he says are ‘based on the best available evidence’:

(1) T; (2) F; (3) T; (4) F; (5) T; (6) F; (7) F; (8) F; (9) T; (10) F; (11) F; (12) T.

So there you have it. How did you fare? In Egger’s paper he gives a brief commentary about the correct answer for each question, he tells us that doctors scored 60% correct, and truck drivers and tradesmen scored 51% correct; and he gives us a question-by-question response for both groups (with a few extra – and easier – questions thrown in for good measure). In case you’re disappointed with your score, he reassures us by saying that ‘many of these statements remain controversial’.

I hope you enjoyed Farmdoc’s Blog’s first quiz. I predict it’s not the last.

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