Friday, July 31, 2009

farmdoc's blog post number 467

I’ve previously written of two principles I’ve invented (I think): the Bus Stop Principle and the Bucket Principle. Today’s post’s about another one. I haven’t finalised its name yet. I’m provisionally calling it the Spurlock Principle – after Morgan Spurlock (pictured) who wrote, directed and starred in the 2004 Academy Award nominated documentary Super Size Me. In a 30-day period (in February-March 2003), Spurlock ate only McDonalds food. But he also ‘super-sized’ his meal whenever he was asked to. Which is the essence of my theory – the Spurlock Principle – that if you buy a bigger container of something, you’re likely to use its contents faster than a smaller container’s. I haven’t tested this theory – at all let alone rigorously. And I probably won’t. Sweetheart Vivienne disagrees with it. I accept that Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. And I know that when Sweetheart Vivienne’s and my opinions on something differ, mostly she’s right. But to me it’s so logical. Basic human nature. Like the tendency to drive less economically if your tank’s full of fuel, than if it’s near empty. I’ve previously mentioned supermarket unit pricing. Obviously the larger the container, the lower the unit price. But buying a larger quantity may be false economy if it results in faster use. Ho hum.

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