Today’s is the 241st Farmdoc’s Blog post. I’ve little doubt that in the past 240 posts, the group of people I’ve mentioned most is politicians. And largely those mentions haven’t been complimentary. Indeed I’ve had little positive to say about politicians. I think that in the main they’re a rum lot. And that goes for the local, state and federal species. They’re all tarred with the same brush. And it’s a pity there aren’t any feathers handy. I don’t think I’m alone in my assessment of them. I’ve previously written that in surveys of occupational prestige, politicians rate lowly scores. That’s been so for many years. And it’s still so. Recently Reader’s Digest published the results of its ‘Australia’s Most Trusted Professions 2008’ survey. You can see the top 40 here. Politicians came second last – even lower than sex workers and car salesmen. Overseas politicians would likely rate similarly. Including George W Bush. The man has his limitations, and they’re major. But he’s probably doing his best, limited though it may be. So I felt sorry for W when that Iraqi journalist hurled his shoes at him. The journo was arrested. How ironic. He should thank Bush that Iraq is now a democracy. Had Saddam Hussein been the target, the shoe thrower would have been hauled out the back and summarily executed. For sure.
Hi FD, I can't quite work out from your post why you felt sorry for W that he had a shoe thrown at him. Could you pls elaborate?
I think it's commendable, Farmdoc, that you are able to feel that most vital human emotion of empathy, for W. It's a shame that he hasn't been more capable of it himself but that doesn't mean we should lose the capacity ourselves and in doing so lose our own humanity.
A most gracious response.
A very funny response.
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