Sunday, November 2, 2008

farmdoc's blog post number 196

Last Monday I wrote of Philip Roth’s novel Indignation. That got me thinking, and I’ve decided I have a hefty dose of indignation – righteous anger – in me. Here are some matters I’m currently indignant about: The Nine Network extending the contract of the offensive misogynistic ex-footballer in a long-term A$3m deal [1]. Following the recent disgraceful animalistic violence in a Tasmanian forest, the police charging not only three thugs with common assault, but four conservationists with trespass [2]; and the concurring bully-boy statements of Tasmanian premier Bartlett and logging chief Edwards that the conservationists are responsible for the violence [3, 4]. The Victorian Government's backing of the police’s infiltration of community activist groups [5]; its fascist legislation that anyone who’s made a submission on an issue and then become a municipal councillor cannot, whilst a councillor, vote on that issue [6]; its reliance on commercial-in-confidence laws – which it attacked in opposition – to hide from the public how Connex and Yarra Trams will spend A$0.5b of public money [7]; and its pathetic annual bleat that spiralling Grand Prix losses are good for Victorians [8]. Folks, this is nowhere near the entire list – merely a sample. I try not to let my indignation raise my blood pressure. I know society will never be perfect. So I think that to some degree I’ll remain indignant for the rest of my days.

1 comment:

Meg said...

Your righteous anger is well placed indeed, FD. Keep fighting the good fight!