Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Horses for cushion covers

Horses for courses. This expression originated in England, in 1898 at the latest [1]. It means, of course (pun intended) we should stick to what we know, and do, best. Adjunctively, what’s suitable for one person or situation may be unsuitable for another. The news cycle – that insidious and pervasive modern invention – has moved on, leaving the Queensland floods in its wake (pun intended). For the mass communications media have neither soul nor conscience. But, fortunately, some members of our society do. Artists come readily to mind. As a group, artists tend to be sensitive to the human condition and its exigencies. So it’s unsurprising they’ve rallied into action to assist flood-affected Queenslanders. Also that darling Kate’s among them.. Using the finest quality wool, Kate has crocheted a superb cushion cover (or ersatz beanie – modelled by darling Brendon for the photograph) which she’s auctioning on her Foxs Lane blog [2, 3, 4, 5]. The bidding procedure’s here [6]. Bidding closes at 9 a.m. next Monday. The idea’s that the highest bidder donates the bid to the Premier’s Flood Relief Appeal [7] (it’s a tax deduction too) after which Kate will post the prize. It’s a win-win-win-win situation: A win for the flood victims, the auction winner, our society at large; and not least Kate – who’s produced an item of artistic beauty whist helping the flood aftermath effort in the best way she knows. A true ‘horse for course’ contribution. Yet another reason I’m proud to be her dad. So proud.

1 comment:

Chris Burrows said...

That Kate has made the lovliest beanie/cushion cover; I hope the bids go sky high.