Friday, November 20, 2009

farmdoc's blog post number 579

Today’s ‘List Friday’. Regarding lists, a strange thing happened this week. Actually two strange things happened. On Saturday, I received an email from my friend Mark in Canada: ‘Just came across this and immediately thought of you’, followed by a link. Then yesterday darling Meg put a comment on this Farmdoc’s Blog post: ‘An interesting take on lists here’. Clicking on Meg’s link brought up the same webpage as Mark’s link did. Of the billions of web pages out there, Mark and Meg sent me the link to the same one. Amazing. Weird. What a profound interview with Umberto Eco (pictured). He’s given me a new take on lists. And it rings true with me: creating order, toying with anarchy, creating culture, interacting with an irresistible magic, and making infinity comprehensible. I especially like his statement that ‘We like lists because we don’t want to die’. I haven’t read any of Eco’s work, but I’ve added The Vertigo of Lists to my reading list. Thank you, Mark and Meg.
So you won’t accuse me of philosophising about lists whilst not sharing any with you, here are three for this week: The
Top 10 Best Ever Celebrity Viral Ads [1], CNET TV’s Best Five Free Software Downloads [2] and People magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive 2009 list [3]. I don’t know why Umberto Eco – who’s been one of the world’s great scholars – isn’t on the Sexiest Man Alive list. Ho hum.

1 comment:

Meg said...

You're welcome, FD! I'd say you're at the top of many people's list lists. xx