Friday, September 25, 2009

farmdoc's blog post number 523

Jude. He was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. And in the Roman Catholic Church, as St Jude he’s patron saint of lost and desperate causes. I don’t know, and my brief research has failed to reveal, why lost and desperate causes are his bailiwick. But I reckon that’s a separate story. The fact remains that his saintly portfolio is what it is. And for today’s blog post, that’s all that counts. Folks, yesterday, 24 September, was National Punctuation Day® in the USA. And if ever there’s a lost and desperate cause, surely punctuation is it. Big time. Because punctuation’s a skill that’s dwindling. Atrophying. Disappearing. Almost day-by-day. Yesterday was the sixth annual NPD®. I admire the organisers’ persistence. Like the man pushing the wheelbarrow, they have the job ahead of them. I’d love to help NPD®’s organisers along. If I was in the US, I’d enter the inaugural NPD® Baking Contest (though how that’d improve punctuation in the world, I don’t know). But I’m not in the US. So back to St Jude. It’s said that when all other avenues are closed, he’s the one to call upon. And it’s never too late. So if someone would please send me his mail or email address, or his fax number, or even his phone number, I’d be eternally grateful. Then I’ll contact him. Hey Jude.

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