Tuesday, September 15, 2009

farmdoc's blog post number 513

I’m no rabid right-winger, but I reckon our society’s over-regulated. We’re accreditation crazy. Standards. Guidelines. Benchmarks. Key Performance Indicators. Audits. Inspections. Performance evaluations. It’s all too much. Much too much. And we’re regulating not only each other, but our animals too. Here are the RSPCA’s five freedoms. Fair enough. They sound fine to me. All our farm animals enjoy all five freedoms. As does Pete the Maremma. But no – that’s not enough for the dear RSPCA. They’ve gone a step further with their egg Choose Wisely campaign (‘Put the chicken before the egg’) which is part of their Approved Farming Scheme which gives producers the opportunity to display an RSPCA paw print (pictured) on their products which indicates to consumers that the producers’ procedures meet the RSPCA’s animal health standards. Obviously the producers have to pay to be audited against the standards, and again for permission to use the paw print. The RSPCA geniuses who came up with all this, need to generate income for their business unit. But in the end, who pays? Why consumers of course. Me? I think it’s far better to visit your local farmers’ market, talk direct with the producers, and if needs be visit their farms and see for yourself.

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