Over recent decades there have been several infamous examples of electronic hardware incompatibility. Betamax versus VHS videotape, for example. Also Blu-Ray versus HD-DVD. But other incompatibilities are subtler. A couple of years ago, when Sweetheart Vivienne came home to Mole Creek, she forgot to bring her mobile phone charging cord. Asking around, she quickly discovered that not all charging cords fit all phones. And indeed not all Nokia cords fit all Nokia phones. Now for some good news. With the future of cars headed in the direction of plu-in hybrid or, even better, plug-in electric, recently Treehugger reported that in mid April leading car makers – including VW, BMW, Ford, GM, Fiat, Toyota and Mitsubishi – meeting in Europe, agreed on a standard interface for the plug and socket at the car end of the charging cord. Thus whether the charging electricity is 110 or 220 or 240 volts, or in future higher voltages, the car-end plug and socket will be uniform. The 3-point, 400-volt plug (pictured) will allow most if not all electric cars to be recharged anywhere. This will alleviate logistical headaches for operators of public charging stations. And also, presumably, for Sweetheart Vivienne if she forgets to bring her cord when she recharges her future electric car (which I can’t wait to buy her). But above all, it’s heartening to see some unselfish commonsense in the world of commerce and industry. For a change.
2 weeks ago
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