Last Friday my darling sister Sue sent me this link in an email titled Frightening!!!!! Whilst the 7½ minute YouTube clip’s unattributed – and thus maybe it’s extremist right wing propaganda – I find it conceptually believable. In other words nothing in it causes me to sit up and think ‘That’s bulldust’. And I do find it frightening. I don’t know how the Islamisation of EU countries, the USA and Canada, and probably Australia too, began and is increasing. In the UK, France, Belgium and the Netherlands, past colonial adventures are a major cause. More generally, liberal immigration policies are another factor. And for sure there are others. Unless something’s done, the end result’s clear. And frightening. But in modern Western democracies, is there the political will to act? And if so what action’s appropriate yet doesn’t raise the spectre of racism or political incorrectness? In a rapidly warming world, reducing the overall fertility rate’s arguably the way to go. But I did chuckle when I read this article in last Saturday’s Age. Seriously though, I for one have no desire to live under Islamic rule – with or without Sharia law. But I predict there’ll be no action to prevent it. None. Because in Western democracies the political cycle’s too short, and there’s no politically reasonable policy option. Which, in the washup, is what’s really frightening.
5 weeks ago
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