Wednesday, April 29, 2009

farmdoc's blog post number 374

As surely as day follows night, thunder follows lightning and spring follows winter, Yom Ha’atzmaut – Israel’s Independence Day – today follows Yom Hazikaron yesterday. The sequence of these two days is clear: Israelis owe their independence – the very existence of their State — to the soldiers and others who sacrificed their lives for it. Yom Ha’atzmaut’s celebrated on the 5th day of the month of Iyar in the Hebrew calendar – the anniversary of the day Israel’s independence was proclaimed by David Ben-Gurion publicly reading the Proclamation of the establishment of the State of Israel. This followed the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine which was adopted by a UN General Assembly vote on 29 November 1947, resulting in UN General Assembly Resolution 181. In 1948 the 5th of Iyar was 14 May – the second last day of the British Mandate of Palestine. The Hebrew word Ha’atzmaut is derived from the stem etzem meaning ‘inner and essential’ – which tells you the exact value Israelis place on their independence. Today, on her 61st birthday, Israel’s still under existential threat from the lunatic revisionist amnesiacs of the Arab/Islamic world and their sycophantic allies. Just as millions of Jews survived Hitler's Final Solution, so will Israel survive – and prosper – long after the said amnesiacs and their allies have gone and been forgotten. As surely as day follows night.


WriterBee said...


sue Appel said...

ana AMEN again.. you bet me to it, Viv.
Lots of love xx

Meg said...

Happy 61st birthday, Israel!