Tuesday, February 24, 2009

farmdoc's blog post number 310

In the US some years ago, on TV I watched some sessions of stand-up comedy by Dennis Miller (pictured). His specialty’s the rant — a stream-of-consciousness diatribe monologue railing against whatever’s currently bothering him. Miller’s rants typically begin with ‘Now I don’t want to get off on a rant here, but...’ and end with ‘...of course, that’s just my opinion. I could be wrong’. As regular Farmdoc’s Blog readers know, my favourite rant topic is motor racing, and especially its highest profile variety – Formula 1. So here’s another F1 rant: I think F1’s so blighted, immoral and anachronistic that nothing done in its name can be divorced from commercial rapacity. Following the Victorian bushfires earlier this month, last week the Australian Grand Prix Corporation has changed its 2009 marketing sloganfrom ‘Melbourne fires up’ to ‘Melbourne gears up’. I think it’s a transparent and pathetic attempt to feign a social conscience, by an organisation that couldn’t give a tuppeny hoot about the societal impact of its activities. Does the Corporation think it’ll gain Joe Public’s respect and approval – and patronage – by changing its slogan? Sorry, that’s question’s rhetorical. And what’s London’s Science Museum doing putting on an exhibition titled ‘Fast Forward: 20 ways F1™ is changing our world’? It’s sold its soul to the devil. Shame on it. Of course, that’s just my opinion. I could be wrong.

1 comment:

farmdoc said...

Oh and it gets better. In this article in the 22.2.09 Sunday Times, it's revealed that F1 sponsorship is plummeting - due to the global financial crisis which is disproportionately affecting the automotive sector which of course is a prime F1 sponsorship source. And - icing on the cake - ING's withdrawing from F1 after the 2009 season. As ING's the naming rights sponsor for the Australian F1 event, Ron Walker and his henchmen will be looking for a new naming rights sponsor for 2010 and onwards. Oh the joy of being an F1 ranter!