I love Aaron Copland’s Fanfare for the Common Man. The music, sure, but also the title. To me there’s something honourable, noble, about the concept of the common man. But moreso the uncommon man. I like to think each of us has a special gift, whatever it is; and that when, and only when, it’s given expression does it makes its owner uncommon. Take Virginia O’Hanlon. In 1897 as an 8-year-old girl she wrote to the New York Sun asking if there was a Santa Claus, prompting Francis Church’s 21 September 1897 editorial which included the immortal: ‘Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus’. Over a century later it remains the most reprinted newspaper editorial ever. Virginia’s letter and Francis’s editorial reply converted them into uncommon people. Moreso because an early form of viral communication cloned ‘there is a Santa Claus’ into ‘there is a God’. I thought of Virginia and Francis this week when I read that the A$100M Southern Star observation wheel in Melbourne, which opened on 20 December 2008, closed 41 days later, on 30 January 2009, after Melbourne’s heat wave buckled and cracked its steel. To me the Southern Star, by aping its competitors on other continents, symbolises the crass, lowest-common-denominator, globalised me-tooism of modern life. So I’m pleased it’s buckled. I hope it’s beyond repair. Yes, Virginia, there is a God.
2 weeks ago
As per this article in the Age on 25.2.09, it's going to be out of action for at least six months. The longer the better, as far as I am concerned.
The latest news, as per this 2.3.09 Age article, the Southern Star's cracks weren't due to the heatwave at all, they'll be expensive to fix, and the fixing will take a long time. Yes, Virginia...
Here is the latest as at 12 May 2009. Major repairs. Over a year. Wonderful news. The only pity is that it's a warranty matter so the owners of the wheel won't have to pay for the repairs.
Here is the latest as at 16 June 2009. The repair job's moving deliciously slowly.
According to this article in the July 5 issue of the Age, the news keeps getting better and better. "HUGE cracks." Wow.
As this 17 July 2009 Age article tells, the news keeps getting more and more delicious. I can hardly contain my glee waiting for the next instalment.
Here is the latest news as at 27 December 2009. And it could hardly be better news - unless of course the Southern Star would never rear its ugly head again. I wish.
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