Tuesday, January 13, 2009

farmdoc's blog post number 268

A fortnight ago I wrote of Israel’s response to Hamas’s rocket fire from Gaza. The true situation on the ground there remains unclear to everyone except the senior ranks of the Israel Defence Forces and the Government of Israel. But that hasn’t stopped the media, bleeding-heart liberals, Arab apologists, and even United Nations’ staff from copious public outpourings of self-righteous indignation. I wonder how these people would react if rockets were being indiscriminately fired at them and theirs. Anyway today I write of two documents. The first is Hamas’s Charter which you can read here. Inter alia, it says ‘Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it…(and)…There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad’. And it cites the disgusting, anti-semitic Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Hamas’s Charter speaks for itself. The second document is United Nations Security Council Resolution 1860 (2009) which you can read here. Its 10 points all sound fine. But they must be read in conjunction with the part of Hamas’s Charter that says: ‘Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors’. So good luck with your resolution, UN. Oh, one final thing: What about Gilad Shalit (pictured), who was abducted by Hamas on 25 June 2006. Why Resolution 1860 (2009) doesn’t mention him, is beyond me. 

1 comment:

farmdoc said...

On 13 January 2009, Israeli Minister of Justice Professor Daniel Friedmann, when discussing conditions for a ceasefire in Gaza, said that the release of soldier Gilad Shalit should be one of the bases of any accord signed.