Last Saturday, Sweetheart Vivienne blogged about last Friday’s hay carting. And yesterday I did the same. I knew we’d write about the same topic in different ways. For a start, she’s a Writer and I’m just someone who writes. Or tries to. Sweetheart Vivienne’s post doesn’t contain even one number. But my post’s dotted – or littered, depending on your viewpoint – with them: counts, times and durations. This partly reflects my aim of diarising this year’s hay carting, so next year we’ll have a record of this year’s to consult. And it partly reflects the way I see the world; or at least my world. Obviously I see my world the way I do, because I’m me. And this incorporates my age and gender. Last week Sweetheart Vivienne and I were having a discussion with our darling fourth daughter, and I continually brought up the practical, ‘nuts-and-bolts’ consequences of various courses of action. My doing so irritated said daughter. Sweetheart Vivienne explained it with the epithet ‘That’s such a Dad thing’. I don’t know if all dads think the way I do. How they think is not my problem; but how I think is. Anyway, enough of this. I’m now going to click on the Tasmanian Library Service website and order Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.
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