Alas, dear readers of Farmdoc’s Blog, your intrepid and perspicacious correspondent is confused and perplexed. Today being the second day of 2009 and all, I thought I’d write about what 2009 has been declared the year of. (That is, not counting the year of darling Jarrah becoming a schoolgirl, and darling Pepper a day-care girl.) My googling turned up the following about 2009: It’s the International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009), the International Year of Natural Fibres (IYNF2009) and the International Year of Reconciliation (IYR2009). That much is clear. But what about International Year of Planet Earth (IYPE) that runs from January 2007 to December 2009. Oh dear. Is my notion of a year comprising 12 months antiquated? Perhaps a year really is three years. Or two and a bit – because the International Polar Year runs from March 2007 to March 2009. Sorry people – I’ve really lost the plot now. At least the Year of Science 2009 (YoS2009) looks like it’ll run merely for the 2009 calendar year. What a relief. Finally, there seems no disputing that according to the Chinese astrological calendar, 2009 is the Year of the Ox – or more precisely the Earth Ox. But the Year of the Ox spans 26 January 2009 to 14 February 2010. I give up!
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