Volunteers play a major function in Australian society. Indeed without Volunteers Australian society arguably wouldn’t function at all. According to a
2006 survey, 5.4 million people, or 34% of adults (36% of women and 32% of men; 38% outside capital cities, 32% within capital cities) are volunteers. The 35-44 year-olds have the highest participation level (44%). The number of hours volunteered per year is 713 million, so on average each volunteer gives 2½ hours per week. The median is 1.1 hours per week, so many volunteers greatly exceed the 2½ hours per week average. The main reason people volunteer is because they were asked to; and the main reason for volunteering was ‘helping others or the community’ (57%), followed by ‘personal satisfaction’ (44%). In our society in which everything that can be commodified and monetarised, has been, it’s refreshing that 34% of Australian adults realise their time, expertise and commitment is so valuable that they give it gratis. Me? I’m proud to be one of the 5.4 million. I’m a volunteer firefighter, and also a volunteer wombat releaser. I get more out of being a volunteer than I put in. I feel privileged to live in a democratic and prosperous land – so I’m content to pay my fair share of tax; and I’m happy to be a volunteer because it feels good to be one.
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