Thursday, September 25, 2008

farmdoc's blog post number 158

Last Tuesday was the 23rd day of September and therefore of Spring. And here in Mole Creek wet it’s been. On almost all of those 23 days it’s rained. I can’t give figures for the whole 23 days, but in the eight days to last Tuesday 77mm (almost three inches) fell. The 77mm in these eight days (2.2% of the year) is about 6.4% of our average annual rainfall. It feels like the rain will never stop. But I want it to. I’ve had enough. I don’t want a wetter spring. 'Wetter Spring' is a song written by darling Emily. Of the many songs she’s written, it’s one of my favourites – if not my absolute favourite. It’s a poignant musical poem of the effect of drought on a farmer and his family. I find the music dirge-like, yet the farmer’s uncompromising though seemingly irrational optimism is inspirational. I feel privileged to be the father of the writer/composer of this compassionately sensitive track. And I feel privileged to live and farm in a high rainfall part of Australia – and of Tasmania because most of this State receives less rain than Mole Creek. When the sun eventually shines, the grass will grow quickly, producing feed for our stock and abundant Summer hay. Though luxuriant Spring growth doesn’t bode well for the Summer bushfire season, that’s another story.

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