Welcome to Melbourne. Have a nice stay. Concourse winesales. Swaying Skybus. Inyourface adverts. Rushing people. Shoving people. Incessant traffic. Background noise. Foreground noise. Ubiquitous billboards. Freshwashed pavements. Rattling trams. Talented buskers. Many shops. Rampant consumerism.
Beautiful Meg. Insistent sirens. Bountiful Vicmarket. Cooing pigeons. Black overcoats. Red&yellow postboxes. Aromatic coffee. Angry traffic. Extortionate fruitstalls. Football beanies. Impatient people. Grim countenances. More shops. Stocktake sales. Calamitous headlines. Tieless suits. Daredevil bikecouriers. Burbling Vespas.
Sweetheart Vivienne. Clattering trams. Pungent rubbishskips. Shrieking cafemusic. Niceold buildings. Hurrying people. Seductive shopwindows. Growling trucks. Roasting chestnuts. Horizontal sunrays. Evenmore shops. Swinging shoppingbags. Huddled smokers. Footpath artists. Solitary moneychangers. Unplugged spruikers. Frequent phonecalls. Football scarves. Locked doors. Stillmore traffic. Constant noise. Dinging trambells. Pealing churchbells. Dawdling pedestrians. Absent silence. Bus exhaustclouds. Human tides. Abundant garbage. Linedup rubbishskips. Toomany shops. Toomuchof everything. Exultant materialism. Perfect party. Outbound Skybus. Goodbye Melbourne. Had a nice stay.
1 comment:
Wow, farmdoc, not bad for a country boy. Safe travels home.
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