Do you have moments of self reflection when you can’t believe your naivity? I do. And right now is one of them.
Previously I wrote of the economic, social, environmental, legislative and contractual folly that is the Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix which has subjugated the
Albert Park Reserve annually since 1996. Also I predicted that the race’s contract wouldn’t be renewed after its 2010 expiry. Wrong, Farmdoc. How naïve I am.
Yesterday Victorian Premier Brumby announced a contract extension until 2015. This decision is irrational, illogical, misguided, idiotic and stupid. Any enterprise that loses over A$40m per year, and whose future losses are predicted to increase year by year, should die.
The Auditor General’s report concludes that costs exceed benefits. There are no official attendance counts. The number of free tickets is not divulged. The enabling legislation remains draconian and anti-democratic. The contract is a secret document so the taxpayers footing the bill for this misogynistic joke don’t know how much it’s costing them. And the contract extension has permanently wrecked any climate change credentials Brumby’s government aspires to.
There should be no motor racing at all let alone in an inner city public park. My dictionary defines a fool as a person who lacks good judgement, and a professional clown. Yesterday’s decision shows Brumby to be both. I’d rather be naïve than foolish.
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