Wednesday, April 23, 2008

farmdoc's blog post number 3

Last Monday evening, on my way home from the Launceston airport, I collected the mail. And among the work documents and the bills – and, I’m pleased to add, the cheques – were three glossy offerings: Travel + Leisure Australia, the Royal Australasian College of Physicians News, and the Medical Journal of Australia. These periodicals reminded me of the Dutch footballer’s wife in the TV series The Book Group who memorably exclaimed, ‘That is so not my journey’. Well I don’t really know what my journey is, or perhaps more correctly which direction it’s headed in, but I do know that it doesn’t pass through the waystations of upmarket travel (and adjunctive carbon-generating indulgences), and institutionalised and corporatised and managerialised medicine. Just think of all the trees that are cut down, and all the pollutants that are manufactured, just to create publications that people don’t ask for, don’t want and don’t need. I’ve tried to be taken off the mailing list for Travel + Leisure Australia – which comes to me courtesy of American Express – but without success. I recycle this paper, but I think that recycling – like carbon trading – is just a feel-good environmental copout.


Adam for all Seasons said...

Hi Doc, Love the blog. I was driving (sorry) to work this morning. I saw at a tram stop what looked like the contents of an ash try. Cigarette butts. lots of them. just on the ground at the tram stop. And i thought to myself. Can we really stop the destruction of our planet? Or do we need to destroy ourselves for our planet to live on? I then turned on the news to learn that the production of Bio Fules creates food shortages...

Permapoesis said...

g'day fd,

this is my third attempt to leave a comment on farmdoc, as it is indeed your third blog day.

some people find it hard to start fires, especially digital ones, but if only i could just get google to flint me in here. i even saw my comment under the g's last night. i possibly clicked 'preview' not 'publish' now i think about it.

i'm glad your fire ready fd, no doubt we're going to need medico-fire-fighters in this brave new world as published in the Age today.


just free water